What is Safe-T-Cert and what is involved?

Safe-T-Cert is a third party accredited health and safety management system which is recognised throughout Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and GB.

The Scheme certifies the health and safety management systems of contractors and construction related companies working in the construction industry.

The aim is to assist companies of all sizes within the construction industry to continuously improve their health and safety management systems through an annual audit process to ensure they:

  • meet relevant national legislative requirements
  • meet the basic requirements for competence and training
  • demonstrate the implementation and operation of an occupational health and safety management system
  • demonstrate commitment at all levels within the organisation

What is involved?

Safe-T-Cert certification involves passing an annual audit which is made up of 3 parts:

  • Documentation audit- the company demonstrates they are managing their health and safety through a number of key documents including a health and safety policy, risk assessments and method statements, training records etc
  • Management interview- the auditor will speak to senior staff e.g. Managing Director/Owner to ensure that health and safety is being managed from the top down and the senior team understand their role in relation to health and safety management within the company
  • Site audit- the auditor will visit a site/sites to make sure that what has been noted in the documentation is actually happening on site.

The auditor prepares a report that lists opportunities for improvement and targets. These targets must be met by the next audit to demonstrate continuous improvement.

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Northern Ireland Electricity Networks PKF-FPM ABL Group Mills Selig