NVQ assessment process & list of NVQ qualifications

Click here to get a list of NVQ qualifications currently available.

The list is not exhaustive and we would encourage training organisations not included to get in touch with details of the qualifications they offer so they can be added to the list. Cardholders and employers are encouraged to check back regularly as it is anticipated the list will be updated. The current version is Version 2.

Information on the assessment process for National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs).

How is the NVQ assessed?

The assessment is completed in the workplace and in many cases remotely. As you are likely to be a highly experienced worker, the process should be relatively simple and there are many ways to show evidence of your competence, including:

  • A professional discussion
  • Knowledge evidence questions
  • Reflective accounts
  • Witness testimonies (confirming previous workplace activities undertaken)
  • Product evidence, e.g. minutes of meetings, RAMS, products of work
  • Observations

Will I need to go back to college?

Those needing to obtain a qualification DO NOT need to attend college. The NVQ can be achieved through various routes and CITBNI Grants may be available.

How much will it cost to complete an experienced worker assessment?

The cost is set by individual providers so you may need to ring around providers to check prices. In many cases CITBNI have Grants available for completing NVQs. For further information on CITBNI Grants available click here.

How long will it take to complete an NVQ?

NVQs can be achieved in a minimum of 14 weeks, but usually take between 6-12 months from registration through to receiving your certificate. The time taken will depend on the availability of evidence, for example an experienced manager with numerous years’ experience could complete it in a shorter period of time, whereas an inexperienced candidate will take more time – no two cases are the same. As this is an assessment rather than a training course, you work with your assessor to collate evidence of your skills via a range of assessment methods.

Do I need to take time off work?

No, NVQs are completed in the workplace, however, you will need some time to spend with your assessor, planning the assessment and feeding back their assessment of your evidence and/or work.

Will I have to do the NVQ again to renew my CSR card in 4 years?

No, NVQs generally are lifelong qualifications so once they are completed, they do not need to be completed again.

For a full list of answers to common Industry Accreditation queries, please visit our FAQ section.

If your question isn’t listed, please contact CSR for further information.

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